20 October 2013

5 Weeks after surgery

June 6th, 2013

I am feeling over the moon and completely normal now.

I have started back at the gym this week and am taking it easy, so I’m proud of myself.
Doing lower body exercise again is great and I am pleased I haven’t lost much of my fitness at all.
I haven’t pushed myself, but sat on the bike for 3o mins today and felt great.

My breasts feel like they’ve completely settled in and are not really sensitive to touch at all anymore.
The best thing about it has been my confidence has been growing daily.
I now look at myself and think...”Hey, you look great!” And I never would have said that about myself before my BA.

My clothes look better on me and I feel more like me than ever before.

I thought I would look at myself and get all emotional and I do, but it’s fuelled with love and happiness.
None of my friends that I haven’t told can even tell that I’ve had it done.
They are so natural and one girlfriend who has been in beauty and fashion for years even commented that they are the best she’s ever seen!