26 July 2013

Day 1 - After surgery

May 3rd, 2013

Waking up, the first thing I notice is that I have no pain!!!! What is going on? How can I possibly be in no
pain whatsoever…I don’t really understand?
I move around quite comfortably today, but am still keeping a low profile and not really going out.
I have a tendency to over do things, so I’m conscious that I really just need to do nothing and allow myself
the time to rest. Someone is able to pick my kids up for me and bring them home, so I feel relieved.
I have told my kids that I have a really bad back. I feel bad not being completely honest with them, but one
day I’ll explain. They are too little to even begin to understand, nor would I know how to explain what’s
just happened. All they need to know that mummy is fine and will recover soon.
I drift in and out of sleep all day and watch TV. How good is it, that I’m able to be still, I keep thinking.
My breasts still have a tightness to them, but I honestly feel no pain at all.
I have a shower later in the day and remove the surgical tape over my incisions.
This is the first time I am able to see my scars and they are neat and much smaller than I expected them
to be. I am feeling great and am so happy. My size is fantastic and I can’t wait to go bra shopping!!!

18 July 2013

Day of Surgery

May 2nd 2013  (post op)

When I wake up from the aesthetic I feel groggy, but
great. Dr. Rastogi comes over to see me in recovery. The
surgery went very well and he is really pleased. “Let’s
have a look,” he says. Wow! I have breasts, and they are beautiful! Are they
really mine? He says goodbye and I thank him profusely. What an
amazing man, I think to myself. I feel so lucky to have
had him. A nurse comes over with some water and I skull 2
bottles…my mouth is extremely dry.Feeling no discomfort or pain I am amazed at how
quickly the nurses get me up and moving. I am also amazed at how my body is able to respond so
well…like I had literally gone to sleep and woke up a few hours later, as if nothing has really happened.
I get myself dressed and have a good look at my breasts in the mirror for the first time. They are
perfect! I know that they are a bit round and swollen, but even like this, they are great.
I feel so relieved that Dr. Rastogi and I went with the larger of the 2 sizes, the 275 cc’s. I am absolutely
stoked looking at myself! I zip up my jacket over nothing but a singlet top and
walk out to meet my husband who is waiting for me.The nurse comments that I look a bit pale, which I
suspect is pretty normal. I’m moving slowly and gingerly, as I don’t want to knock myself. It’s good for me to slow down…just what I needed in my life. I go home and for the rest of the day, just chill.
The kids are at school and my husband has taken the day off work, so I feel as though I can really just sleep
and be still.
I’m feeling no pain and even by 8pm that evening, have not needed any Panadol or Codeine. I take 2
Panadol rapids anyway, as I’m sure I’ll wake up with some discomfort. The only think I really feel is tightness in my chest, as if I have just done 50 push-ups. It’s also a similar feeling (very similar), to when your milk first comes in after childbirth. I sleep on the couch that night and as instructed by Dr. Rastogi and my info pack, lay down on my back. I prop 2 pillows beneath my back, so I’m reclined, but not completely flat on my back. My arms, I prop up on pillows beside me, which I have positioned near my
waist, just under my breasts. I am comfortable and I manage to fall asleep!

02 July 2013

Day before Surgery

1st of May, 2013

I’m feeling nervous and anxious. I can’t believe surgery is tomorrow.
The excitement is overwhelming, so much so, that I haven’t been
sleeping for a while just thinking about it.
My thoughts are…will I still be me? Yes, I tell myself. I will be me, only
The hospital phoned me and I have to be at the Surgery Centre at 7am!
I’ll be the first cab off the rank, which I’m feeling really positive about.
Also, I won’t have too much time to think about it, nor will I be to
hungry, as I have to fast from midnight tonight. I take my antibiotic that
was prescribed for me and try and get some sleep…
Oh my gosh!!! Freaking out a bit, but in a great way.:)