11 December 2013

6 weeks after surgery

June 13th, 2013

My breasts are me...they are a part of me and feel as if they have always been there.
I can do anything now, in terms of lifting and exercise, but I know I have to start off slow and steady.
I am about to go overseas to visit my family and can’t wait until they see me.
I bought myself a new bikini and the lady in the shop didn’t even notice.
She just went...”Wow, You look amazing in that.”
I had to tell her that I had my breasts done and she said she would never have known and she has been working in swimwear for 2o years.
She couldn’t believe how natural they looked and how perfectly proportioned they were.
This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.
Having kids with the man I love has been the best thing I have ever done, but having my breasts done has been the best thing I have ever done for me!
I would not have done it differently, nor would I have gone to anyone else.
Dr. Rastogi is a genius! I feel like my life is different now, better...
I am a much happier person than I was before. I was always happy and cheerful with other people, but I used to go home and think...”I wish I could be as positive about myself, as I am with other people:”
Now I am. I love myself and that is gold. 

20 October 2013

5 Weeks after surgery

June 6th, 2013

I am feeling over the moon and completely normal now.

I have started back at the gym this week and am taking it easy, so I’m proud of myself.
Doing lower body exercise again is great and I am pleased I haven’t lost much of my fitness at all.
I haven’t pushed myself, but sat on the bike for 3o mins today and felt great.

My breasts feel like they’ve completely settled in and are not really sensitive to touch at all anymore.
The best thing about it has been my confidence has been growing daily.
I now look at myself and think...”Hey, you look great!” And I never would have said that about myself before my BA.

My clothes look better on me and I feel more like me than ever before.

I thought I would look at myself and get all emotional and I do, but it’s fuelled with love and happiness.
None of my friends that I haven’t told can even tell that I’ve had it done.
They are so natural and one girlfriend who has been in beauty and fashion for years even commented that they are the best she’s ever seen! 

17 September 2013

4 weeks after surgery

May 30th, 2013

I am officially allowed to start lower body exercise this week, but am not going to do it, I decide.
Even though I am pining to go to the gym, I purposely avoid it, as I know I’ll be tempted to over do it.
My breasts are feeling better and better, they are so beautiful and natural, I can’t believe it.
I have been working more and my movement is fine.There is still a slight sensitivity in my nipples, which
has been there from day 1, but that’s all apparently normal.
Who would have thought that breast surgery would be so easy?
I went bra shopping today and found some great bras from Loveable.
They are the nicest ones, as they are completely wire free, but still cute.
I’m very comfortable wearing one and was so excited in the store.
I have gone from a 10 (small) A, to a 12 C. My breasts look like a full B to small C, which is
exactly what I wanted, but they are measuring slightly bigger in a bra.
Every style of bra gives you a different size, but I’m stoked with being a C cup.
I remember now obsessing over sizes and searching endlessly on different sites to see what other people
did. I looked at more before and after boob shots that anyone, I think.
The only thing I can say about size is to just trust your surgeon. Dr. Rastogi is amazing and he knows exactly
what they are going to look like on you. I had trouble visualizing the implants held up to the outside of my body, but he knew exactly what they’d be. I would advise, try not to look at too many different sites.
What helped me the most, was to look at pictures on Google Images of women with similar builds to mine
and save those images to my phone. My breast inspirations came from Nicole Richie, Kate Hudson, Cameron Diaz, Brandi Glanville and Sarah Mutch (Guess and Men’s Style shots).
I’m over the moon with my size, because I trusted Dr Rastogi and he got it 100% right for me!

13 September 2013

3 weeks after surgery

May 23rd, 2013

I feel awesome again and the tightness in my chest has subsided. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and my breasts seem to have settled in…they are liking their new home!
It has been good to take it easy this past week.
I've been sleeping really well and feel as though my breasts are really part of me. The funny thing is, even from the first day of my surgery, they have never felt like not mine. I was worried that they would feel like 2 foreign objects attached to me, but that hasn't been the case at all. I’m over the moon at how they look and can’t stop cupping my breasts…they feel so natural. I’m still wearing just a singlet top, but am able to start
wearing a soft bra…I may go bra shopping today?

19 August 2013

2 weeks after surgery

May 16th, 2013

It’s 2 weeks after my BA and I’m starting to feel more uncomfortable in my chest.
I think because I felt so amazing the first 2 weeks, I possibly over did things a little bit more than I should
have. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't accepted the few jobs I did, but I felt great and couldn't afford to turn down the work.
The good news is that exactly 14 days after my surgery, today, my tummy is back to normal
again…just as Dr. Rastogi said it would be. I am also relieved of my constipation, so I am feeling
much more like myself in that regard. The tightness in my chest tells me that I have over done things, so now I’m taking a step right back and am trying to relax more. If I can give any advice, it would be to really be
conscious of how great you feel, but purposely tell yourself not to go crazy and do too much. I was at a kid’s party, dropping one of my boys off and a friend of mine said…”Here can you hold my daughter” and gave her baby to me. I took the baby, otherwise she would have fallen, but was worried, as I know I’m not meant to lift anything over 8 kilograms for 6 weeks. I have been following the postoperative care sheet inside the info pack I was given, to a tee. In fact, I have even waited a bit longer than recommended, for each milestone you reach. So, for example, I waited for 10 days before sleeping on my
side, instead of 8. The baby I lifted was much more than 8 kilos, so I panicked. I rang Dr. Rastogi’s office and spoke to Helen, the nurse. She reassured me that so many of the patients have small children of there own, that it’s really hard not to pick them up. If something was wrong with my breasts, I’d know about it, she said. I feel better knowing this and take a mental note of being extra careful with myself as much as possible.

14 August 2013

One week after surgery

May 9th, 2013

It’s been a week and I’m still completely amazed at
how great I feel. I have taken my kids to school and am starting to do a
bit more around the house. My husband has been doing most of the tidying up
and washing, which is fantastic! I've started cooking meals though and am well enough
to do light housework, folding laundry etc…
My breasts are still quite tight and I’m feeling no pain, but the tightness has increased, as I’m using my arms
a bit more. It’s hard to describe the feeling, but the easiest comparison is probably the feeling of working out too much where you feel sore, but a good sore. It’s not pain at all and still hasn't been.
My nipples are sensitive and I have lost some of the sensation, which Dr. Rastogi has assured me will
return in no time. I've been taking a few Panadols here and there to relieve some of that tight feeling, but otherwise, that’s it. The worst thing I’m feeling at the moment is constipation.
I haven’t been to the toilet in just over a week now and it’s bothering me. My stomach is quite swollen
too, which Dr. Rastogi said was completely normal. Don’t panic, I tell myself. I’m used to having less of a
tummy, so it’s a big confronting, but I’m confident that it will go down.
Dr. Rastogi said that it takes about 2 weeks for the swelling to disappear, so I’m just relying on the fact
that he is awesome and knows what he’s talking about! Other than the constipation and swelling in my
tummy, I’m great! I have even worked this week, but took it very easy.
I’m a hair and makeup artist, so I had to go really easy doing the model’s hair for a photo shoot.
It was at the beach, fortunately, so that fly-away, beachy hair worked.
No one noticed that I wasn't my normal self.
I still can’t believe I feel this great, one week out of surgery.My husband is loving my new breasts too, by the way. He thought I was lovely before, but am now even better. He can’t stop looking at me and I feel sexier and more beautiful than ever…it’s awesome!

26 July 2013

Day 1 - After surgery

May 3rd, 2013

Waking up, the first thing I notice is that I have no pain!!!! What is going on? How can I possibly be in no
pain whatsoever…I don’t really understand?
I move around quite comfortably today, but am still keeping a low profile and not really going out.
I have a tendency to over do things, so I’m conscious that I really just need to do nothing and allow myself
the time to rest. Someone is able to pick my kids up for me and bring them home, so I feel relieved.
I have told my kids that I have a really bad back. I feel bad not being completely honest with them, but one
day I’ll explain. They are too little to even begin to understand, nor would I know how to explain what’s
just happened. All they need to know that mummy is fine and will recover soon.
I drift in and out of sleep all day and watch TV. How good is it, that I’m able to be still, I keep thinking.
My breasts still have a tightness to them, but I honestly feel no pain at all.
I have a shower later in the day and remove the surgical tape over my incisions.
This is the first time I am able to see my scars and they are neat and much smaller than I expected them
to be. I am feeling great and am so happy. My size is fantastic and I can’t wait to go bra shopping!!!

18 July 2013

Day of Surgery

May 2nd 2013  (post op)

When I wake up from the aesthetic I feel groggy, but
great. Dr. Rastogi comes over to see me in recovery. The
surgery went very well and he is really pleased. “Let’s
have a look,” he says. Wow! I have breasts, and they are beautiful! Are they
really mine? He says goodbye and I thank him profusely. What an
amazing man, I think to myself. I feel so lucky to have
had him. A nurse comes over with some water and I skull 2
bottles…my mouth is extremely dry.Feeling no discomfort or pain I am amazed at how
quickly the nurses get me up and moving. I am also amazed at how my body is able to respond so
well…like I had literally gone to sleep and woke up a few hours later, as if nothing has really happened.
I get myself dressed and have a good look at my breasts in the mirror for the first time. They are
perfect! I know that they are a bit round and swollen, but even like this, they are great.
I feel so relieved that Dr. Rastogi and I went with the larger of the 2 sizes, the 275 cc’s. I am absolutely
stoked looking at myself! I zip up my jacket over nothing but a singlet top and
walk out to meet my husband who is waiting for me.The nurse comments that I look a bit pale, which I
suspect is pretty normal. I’m moving slowly and gingerly, as I don’t want to knock myself. It’s good for me to slow down…just what I needed in my life. I go home and for the rest of the day, just chill.
The kids are at school and my husband has taken the day off work, so I feel as though I can really just sleep
and be still.
I’m feeling no pain and even by 8pm that evening, have not needed any Panadol or Codeine. I take 2
Panadol rapids anyway, as I’m sure I’ll wake up with some discomfort. The only think I really feel is tightness in my chest, as if I have just done 50 push-ups. It’s also a similar feeling (very similar), to when your milk first comes in after childbirth. I sleep on the couch that night and as instructed by Dr. Rastogi and my info pack, lay down on my back. I prop 2 pillows beneath my back, so I’m reclined, but not completely flat on my back. My arms, I prop up on pillows beside me, which I have positioned near my
waist, just under my breasts. I am comfortable and I manage to fall asleep!

02 July 2013

Day before Surgery

1st of May, 2013

I’m feeling nervous and anxious. I can’t believe surgery is tomorrow.
The excitement is overwhelming, so much so, that I haven’t been
sleeping for a while just thinking about it.
My thoughts are…will I still be me? Yes, I tell myself. I will be me, only
The hospital phoned me and I have to be at the Surgery Centre at 7am!
I’ll be the first cab off the rank, which I’m feeling really positive about.
Also, I won’t have too much time to think about it, nor will I be to
hungry, as I have to fast from midnight tonight. I take my antibiotic that
was prescribed for me and try and get some sleep…
Oh my gosh!!! Freaking out a bit, but in a great way.:)

18 June 2013

2nd Consultation with Dr. Rastogi

Consultation date: April 8th, 2013

On the day of the 2nd consultation, I was much more relaxed. I went in at 11:30am and only waited a few minutes before my appointment with Dr. Rastogi. He was awesome and straight away explained the reason he needed to see me again. He wanted to ensure my muscle tissue and skin surrounding the muscle could handle the implant. My chest looked harder in the evening lighting of the last consult. He also wanted to have fresh eyes again, as we were so undecided with the size of the implant.
I removed my top and he could see that my breast tissue was much softer looking, so he was happy and there were no worries at all. We were trying to decide between 3 implants at the 1st consult, but at the 2nd we were fairly certain it was going to be between 2.
In the end, it was between a 230cc tear drop implant, which is a small implant and would bring me from my very small A to a middle B, or 275cc, which would make me a full B to a very small C.With the shape and width of my chest wall, he had to be sure to get the right measurements without making me too big, which I was afraid of. We decided to order both implants and depending on how brave I was feeling on the day, we would go with either small or slightly bigger. He was very happy and we were both confidant with either, as he reassured me that both would look lovely and I completely trust him.
What a great second consult…it’s really happening and I’m so excited!

06 June 2013

1st Consultation with Dr. Rastogi

Consultation date: March 4th, 2013- 3pm    

I have been researching and pondering getting implants for years. My friends and my husband, who have known that I’ve wanted this done for a while, are all very supportive and have been great with advice. Many times, Dr. Rastogi’s name was mentioned as being the best surgeon in Sydney, if not Australia. I fell in love with his website and made an appointment to see him for a consultation.
I was so nervous going into Dr. Rastogi’s practice for the first time. The girls who I had spoken with on the phone were very lovely and reassuring. The decision to get my breasts done was not one that I came to without a lot of thought and research...It’s a big deal for me, as it is for everyone wanting it done and the ladies who work with Dr. Rastogi were nothing but professional.
Walking in, I felt like I was meeting friends I hadn’t seen for a while. The girls behind the desk, Becky and Virginia, welcomed me with open arms and asked me just to take a seat and fill out a patient information form.
After a short wait, I was then introduced to Helen, who I would be spending the next hour with. She is the nurse who works alongside Dr. Rastogi, making sure his patients are in good health and understand everything that was filled out on the form. She was absolutely lovely.
She explained everything to me in detail and went through my form from start to finish, answering questions as we went. She was patient, kind and extremely informative. I felt very comfortable in her company and the process wasn’t nearly as daunting as I thought it would be.
I then watched a brief video of Dr. Rastogi, explaining the process of the surgery with more before and after shots of his patients, which was great! Having him on the video was a clever idea, as it made me feel even more relaxed. He was very warm and sincere on the video.
Then it was my turn to meet Dr. Rastogi in person. By that time it was about 4pm. He had already been seeing people all day.
His energy and presence was nothing short of amazing. He made me feel right at home and was so kind and genuine. I couldn’t believe how engaging and relaxed he was.
We talked in depth about exactly what I was after and why. He wanted to get inside my head a bit, so he could see where I was coming from. He was adamant that it was really important to him to understand me, as well as my thoughts on the size and look I was after.
I lost quite a bit of volume in my breasts from breastfeeding, which means that my size now is probably a small A- to a AA.
What I’m hoping to achieve is to be a full B, as well as a very natural looking end result.
Dr. Rastogi left the room while I removed my top and bra. He came discreetly back in with a warm smile, as if to say...”It’s ok, you are lovely, don’t worry.”
He looked very closely at my frame and marked me with a pen, explaining how it was important to get symmetry for the best possible result. You can tell he is a true artist with an amazing eye for detail.
We tried a ton of different implants, by holding them up to my body. We even put a few beneath my singlet, so I could see what they would look like.
We were undecided on which size would best suit my frame and my state of mind. We looked at sizes 210cc, 230 cc and 255 cc. All are smaller, moderate profile implants with a teardrop shape, to look as natural as possible.
Dr. Rastogi was unbelievably calm, patient and overly generous with his time.
As we were undecided on which implant to choose, he asked me to come back and see him a second time, to be sure we get it right.
I was so impressed with him and the practice, that I was completely overwhelmed.
Helen, the nurse, said she would call me with an appointment for the second consultation soon and she did.
I left feeling very positive about my decision to choose such an incredible Doctor.